Original Resolution: 800x450 Fullscreen Background With Fixed Position Above The Body And Below The Content Stack Overflow The code for backgroundimage.html shows how attaching the background image to an element through css isn't difficult. 1200x628 - If you aren't too concerned with ensuring your website will run well on older devices with slower internet connections, you should be safe in using a higher resolution image as.
Original Resolution: 1200x628 N1o5xiqp0n Vem To set a background image is not a complicated task for a technical person. 1139x639 - Detailed documentation and more examples (half background image, bakcground video) you can find in our html background image full screen docs.
Original Resolution: 1139x639 Fullscreen Video In Background Ilovecoding Reader craig manley writes in with a technique to load an appropriately sized background image according to screen. 600x600 - If for example you want it to only be on one page kinda like twitter has it only on their landing page and not all the others.
Original Resolution: 600x600 Full Screen Page With 100 Body Height Stack Overflow Fullscreen images used as backgrounds have an amazing visual impact, but did you know that you can we create a simple html5 video element with loop, autoplay and muted attributes and place it we have a full screen video background for our website!